Women in business events have emerged as powerful platforms for empowerment, networking, and growth. These events are designed to address the gender disparity in the business world and provide women with the resources and support they need to thrive in their professional journeys.
This article explores the importance of women in business events, the challenges and opportunities facing women in business, and how an innovative service like GoPidge is reshaping the landscape of professional networking.
A Historical Perspective: The Emergence of Women in Business Events
Women in business events arose as a response to the glaring inequality in the business sector. Despite women making up almost half of the global workforce, they are significantly underrepresented in leadership roles.
According to recent data, women hold only 30% of mid-level management roles and a mere 20% of department head or general manager roles. At the top of the corporate ladder, the representation of women is even more dismal, with only 14.2% of the top five leadership positions at S&P 500 companies being occupied by women.
Faced with these daunting odds, women began seeking ways to improve their prospects. One of the most effective solutions they found was the creation of events dedicated exclusively to women in business.
The Role and Impact of Women in Business Events
Women in business events serve as hubs of resources, networking, and support for women in the corporate world. They offer valuable opportunities for women to connect with industry leaders, learn from successful entrepreneurs, and gain access to resources that otherwise may not be readily available.
These events typically feature guest speakers or panels, networking sessions, and sometimes, hands-on workshops. They attract women from various industries and backgrounds, all sharing a common aim - to grow their businesses and succeed professionally.
Some of the most popular events for female entrepreneurs include the NAWBO National Women’s Business Conferences, Black Enterprise Women in Power Summit, Professional Business Women of California (PBWC) Conference, and the Forbes Women’s Summit.
Attendance at these events often surpasses thousands, and they now make up a significant portion of the estimated $14 billion conference and trade show industry. But what tangible benefits do these events offer to women in business?
The Tangible Impact of Women in Business Events
The effectiveness of women in business events has been proven through research. A study conducted by Shawn Achor, Chief Experience Officer for BetterUp, found that these events had a significant impact on the professional growth of female entrepreneurs.
The study surveyed 2,600 working women from various industries who had attended Conferences for Women in several U.S. states. It found that within a year of attending a conference, 42% of the women received a promotion - doubling the likelihood compared to those who had not attended.
Moreover, attendees were three times more likely to receive a pay increase of 10% or more. They also reported increased levels of optimism and felt more connected to others after attending the events.
These findings underscore the immense value of women in business events. They not only provide networking opportunities but also significantly improve the professional and financial prospects of attendees.
The Advantages Women Bring to Business
While it's critical to address the challenges women face in business, it's equally important to highlight the unique advantages they bring.
A Diverse Workforce Breeds Innovation
Companies with a diverse workforce are more innovative and successful. Having different perspectives and experiences allows for more creative problem-solving and decision-making.
Women Excel at Soft Skills
Women often excel at soft skills such as communication, empathy, and self-awareness. These are highly-valued traits in the business world and can significantly impact a company's bottom line.
Women Provide Important Consumer Insight
With women contributing over $20 trillion in consumer spending every year and making 85% of consumer purchases, they offer invaluable insight into the consumer market.
The Challenges Women Face in Business
Despite their significant contributions, women still face numerous challenges in the business world.
Underrepresentation in Key Fields
Fields such as finance, engineering, and tech are still predominantly male-dominated. Women make up just 24% of the workforce in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) industries in the U.S. and less than 15% in the U.K.
Gender Bias in the Workplace
Unconscious bias still exists in the workplace. Women often find that their behavior and characteristics are interpreted differently than those of their male counterparts.
Difficulties in Salary Negotiation
Women are often less successful in negotiating for higher pay, a factor that contributes to the gender pay gap.
Opportunities for Women in Business
Despite these challenges, there are many opportunities for women in business.
Gender Equality and Inclusivity Policies
Many forward-thinking organizations are implementing policies for gender equality and inclusivity. These policies help attract top talent and allow businesses to thrive.
Entrepreneurship as a Path to Leadership
For many women, entrepreneurship is the fastest route to leadership. Launching their own businesses allows women to define their work-life balance and close the pay gap on their own terms.
Strengthening Credentials with a Business Degree
Earning a business degree can help women stand out in the competitive job market. Business school provides a platform for women to become subject-matter experts, practice leadership skills, and gain confidence.
Introducing GoPidge: A New Approach to Networking
GoPidge is an innovative service that is revolutionizing the landscape of professional networking. It offers personalized, humanized networking experiences through GoPidge Ambassadors, who are seasoned professionals representing businesses and individuals at key events.
By providing global reach, expert representation, tailored opportunities, and data-driven insights, GoPidge is streamlining business development and fostering a supportive community of professionals.
Women in business events play a crucial role in promoting gender equality in the business world. They offer a platform for women to connect, learn, and grow professionally. With innovative services like GoPidge, the future of networking, and consequently women's success in business, looks promising.
The journey towards gender equality in business is far from over, but through concerted efforts, we are making strides in the right direction. As we celebrate women’s achievements in business, let's continue to create opportunities and platforms that empower them to reach their full potential.